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ACESinspector is an open-source Windows (7,8 or 10) application written by AutoPartSource for validating ACES xml catalog data files.





  • Automatic XSD schema validation against the version claimed in the ACES file header

  • Filtering/Translating of input ACES file by supplied one:one interchange file

  • Filtering/Translating of input ACES file's Note tags by supplied translation file

  • Detection of overlaps, duplicates and CNC-overlaps

  • Detection of disparate fitment elements (experimental)

  • Detection of unusual application quantity values (based on other apps in the file)

  • Detection of disparate parttype claims for the same part number

  • Validation of VCdb-coded attributes against supplied VCdb

  • Validation of PCdb-coded part-types and positions against supplied PCdb

  • Validation of Qdb-coded qualifiers against supplied Qdb

  • Net-Change detection between two ACES files (with export of new net ACES file)

  • Export of assessment spreadsheet that contains detected problems

  • Export of flat (human-readable) version of application data

  • Export of simple buyer's guide file

  • Export of simple holes report file (basevehicles not found in applications)

  • Export of ACES xml with enciphered part numbers (plus decipher interchange)

  • MySQL databse support for VCdb/PCdb/Qdb (email us for commentary about the required structure of the database)

  • VCdb Changelog used to decode orphaned EngineBaseID's that are found to be invalid (MySQL mode only)

  • Qdb utilization scoring


We use ACESinspector as a final quality check for ACES files that we send to our trading partners. It is written for the .NET framework in C#. It connects to MS-Access file versions of the AutoCare Association's reference databases (VCdb, PCdb and Qdb) on your local filesystem. It can optionally connect to a MySQL database. Contact us if the MySQL option is interesting to you and we will explain the database and table structure required. These reference databases are obtained from the AutoCare Vehicle Information Portal under the terms of your subscription and membership with the Association. You may need to install the Microsoft Access database engine if you do not already have Access installed (download link below). The bitness (32 vs. 64) of your installed version of the Access Engine will determine which architecture of ACESinspctor to install (32 or 64).


This application is in a "beta" stage - there are still plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. It is provided as-is with no warranty under the terms of the "MIT License" model. When you install the application, Windows should tell you that the publisher is AutoPartSource, LLC of Richmond VA (Sectigo cert serial# 00b5f35fe3052499e30602fa7e16bff449, expires: 6/26/2024). If it says something/someone else (like "Unknown Publisher"), do not install it. This program does NOT "call home" in any way to report telemetry or usage stats. If you have security concerns, we encourage you to study the source and then compile it yourself with Visual Studio.

We believe that community-sourced tools for automotive content professionals can complement and co-exist with the wide array of excellent commmercial software tools (WinsbyVertical DevSoleniumIllumawarePDMOptiCat) that are in the market. If you are interested in helping us improve ACESinspector through testing, documenting or coding, send us an email (to ). We would love to hear from you! If you find utility in ACESinspector, then you need to be involved with ACPN - all your people are there.



Downloads and Resources


Download latest version (compiled 12-27-2023)



Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable (32bit and 64bit versions)


Getting-Started video (13 minutes)

Basic usage video (MP4 file)


Sample ACES file with 45k applications and plenty of problems


XML Stylesheet for flattening ACES to text



(This page last updated 12/27/2023)

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